TDM (Topology Diagram Maker)

Topology Diagram Maker (TDM) feature represents the topology diagram drawing function of Causalgap. The retrieval of data as well as procession and diagram creation happens according to configuration data and neighboring relations in real time.

The TDM module offers flexibility to choose a reference equipment to define a viewpoint we would like to generate the diagram from. This works with every equipment of choice. Selection can be done by device name, IP address or DNS name.

For ease of use, The TDM use predefined ranges to display the generated diagrams. These ranges are numbered from 1 to 20 and are congruent with the ammount of equipments displayed on the diagram.

CausalGap TDM Topology Diagram Maker

Range 1 has it’s uniqueness among the ranges. It can display all the existing ports of a chosen equipment. Used and unused ones as well.

To avoid overcrowded and incomprehensible diagrams, other ranges only highlight and visualize the ports and connections related to the neighboring relations.

From Range 2 and above, Causalgap starts to be more interactive and asks for cooperation from the user to find the right range and viewpoint to generate the desired diagram.

The Physical structure module offers a broad range of connection parameters:

    • Port ID
    • IP addresses
    • Descriptions
    • VLAN
    • Duplexity
    • Bandwidth
    • Media type (Electrical of Optical)
    • Interface utilization

Useful pop-up windows with further information are available.

The Physical structure module derives the visuals of the diagram from direct physical level information.

Other structure modules rely on input from routing and other protocol data.

The generated topology diagrams are exportable as PDF files where the list of interfaces are also included.

CausalGap TDM Topology Diagram Maker